Week 4 Devotional

Recently, a friend said to me, “Remember that Jesus wept. You can too. We ask God to keep a soft heart in us, so tears are ok- they are beautiful.” Those words opened my eyes and comforted my soul so intensely, it was as if I had never heard that scripture...

24 Hour Announcement Line

The Church has put together a 24 hour announcement line. The number is a toll-free number 855-400-0143. Our church calling program will still work and call you with announcements, this is just a extra option! If you have any questions you can email our Technology...

Live Stream Website

The PRBC Technology Department has been putting together a new website for our online services. https://prbc.live. This new site allows you to comment live, Bible integrated to view on the side of the website. Our Technology Department has requested if you have any...