Every time I sat down to write this week, I made an excuse to put it off. I cleaned, studied, and even ran (which I despise). Why is that? Well… because I did not feel like I had anything meaningful to share. I looked for inspiration everywhere, and I even tried to set myself up in the perfect “writing atmosphere,” which for me looks like a pastry, coffee, and outdoor seating by my favorite historic building. Except, the little bakery I had in mind was closed, not once, but twice.

As I continued thinking, planning, and searching for inspiration, the Holy Spirit gently reminded me of something I had noted in the beginning of my Exodus study- which was convicting to say the least.

Exodus 4:10 reads, “Moses said to the Lord, ‘Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.'”

I’d also like to note, that just a few verses later, the Lord gives Moses an important reminder. Verse 21 says, “The Lord said to Moses, “When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.”

My notes on these passages were-

  • Moses tried to get out of it. The Lord said, I will meet you in this place of inadequacy and give you all you need.
  • Let us not forget why we have the abilities we have.

First, I was reminded that the Lord was willing to meet me right where I was- and He did, using a little note I had made about a month ago. But the reality is, this is not the only area of my life where I struggle with feelings of inadequacy. My guess is the same is true for you, too.

Whatever feelings of inadequacy you may be struggling with this week…

Whichever area of your life you do not feel enough in…

Let me remind you that you have a direct line to the same God who promised Moses he would give him all he needed, and that same promise is still extended to all of His children today.

The second thing this passage screamed back at me was this:

On your own, you do not have anything meaningful to share- but everything the Lord has for you to share is meaningful.

In any area of our lives,

callings, passions, and even those in between places,

Do not forget where your abilities come from.

Instead of looking to fill your own inadequacies, ask the Lord how He would like to fill them. Ask Him what He would have you do. And if you do not get an answer right away, (I am so guilty of this one) sit and wait WITH him. Do not move on to the next thing right away. Do not automatically go looking for a grand sign. Do not assume there is nothing He has for you there. Ask. Listen. Sit. Listen a little more.